
Cyclists raise more than £5k for Sepsis

We did it! Last weekend, the Dons of Oxford – a team of five cyclists (Christoph, Anika, Mark, Melissa and Estella) and a support crew (myself, my cousin Liz and her son Emeran in one van and Toby and his two dogs in the other) – travelled from Oxford to Wales to raise money for the UK Sepsis Trust. The cyclists rode more than 165 miles through driving rain, wind and sunshine, up and down hill, over dale, from town to town until they reached Cardiff on Sunday lunchtime. The highlight of the ride was when they crossed the Severn[…]


Cycle4Sepsis ride hits the streets on Friday

My courageous cousin Liz has returned part-time to her job as an Egyptologist  at Oxford University one year after suffering terrible life-changing injuries from Sepsis. It’s great to see Liz reconnecting with Egyptology again … Her determination to live a ‘new normal’ life and return to work has astounded and inspired us all. This weekend we are driving from Oxford to Wales as the support crew to her husband Christoph and other cyclists who are taking part in the nationwide cycle ride to raise funds for the UK Sepsis Trust. Please cheer all the cyclists on,  follow on social media #cycle4sepsis and[…]


Discovering Tutankhamun in Oxford

I was invited to the private view of the Discovering Tutankhamun exhibition at the Ashmolean, in Oxford. My cousin is an Egyptologist and Director of the Griffith Institute and invited me. And wow, what an honour! I found myself bumping shoulders with the great and good of the academia world including esteemed egyptologists from around the world, museum and gallery directors, CEOs, archeologists, professors, writers, actors and even a Lord. Discovering Tutankhamun, which is at the Ashmolean in Oxford until November 2, takes you on a breath-taking journey of the treasure-filled boy king’s tomb found by Howard Carter and Lord[…]